Mumbai University
Why Choose Visual Labs!
- Customized and high-quality learning materials.
- Access to extensive textbooks and digital resources.
- Interactive and engaging learning modules.
- Comprehensive mock exams for effective preparation.
- Detailed coverage of the entire syllabus in mock tests.
- Emphasis on developing practical coding abilities.
- Diverse hands-on projects and real-world assignments.
- Perfect for beginners and those looking to advance their skills.

Fields of Expertise
Dreaming of academic success?
At Visual Labs, we are a dedicated team of professors committed to providing a comprehensive and transformative learning experience. Our industry-vetted curriculum, experienced staff, and practical learning approach ensure you gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel. Our personalized support and focused training help you achieve your goals.
Customized Learning Plans
Our bespoke learning plans are designed to meet your unique needs and learning style, ensuring you master the concepts at your own pace and achieve your academic and professional targets.
Hands-On Experience
Gain practical experience by working on real-world industry projects that enhance your problem-solving skills and prepare you for the challenges of the professional world.
Expert Career Support
Receive personalized career advice, including resume enhancements, interview coaching, and job placement assistance. Our industry network helps open doors for your career.
Explore Our Degree Engineering Courses
Computer Engineering
- Matrices and Calculus
- Engineering Chemistry
- Engineering Physics
- Problem-Solving and Python Programming
- Basic Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
- Statistics and Numerical Methods
- Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Physics for Information Science
- Engineering Graphics
- Programming in C
- Engineering MathematicsIII
- Discrete Structures and
Graph Theory - Data Structure
- Digital Logic & Computer
Architecture - Computer Graphics
- Object Oriented
Programming with Java
- Engineering MathematicsIV
- Analysis of Algorithm
- Database Management
System - Operating System
- Microprocessor
- Python Programming
- Theoretical Computer
Science - Software Engineering
- Computer Network
- Business Comm. &
Ethics II
- Theoretical Computer
- System Programming &
Compiler Construction - Cryptography & System
Security - Mobile Computing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- System Programming &
- Machine Learning
- Big Data Analytics
- Distributed Computing
Information Technology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics I
- Engineering Mathematics
- Data Structures using C
- Mathematics II
- Engineering Graphics
- Electronic Devices
- Data Structure and Analysis
- Database Management System
- Principle of Communication
- Paradigms and Computer
Programming Fundamentals
- Engineering Mathematics-IV
- Computer Network and Network
Design - Operating System
- Automata Theory
- Internet Programming
- Computer Network Security
- Software Engineering
- Data Mining &
Business Intelligence - Web X.0
- Wireless Technology
- AI and DS – 1
- DS using Python Skill
- MAD & PWA Lab
- Data Mining &
- AI and DS –II
- Internet of Everything
- Data Science
- Secure Application
- Blockchain and DLT
- Blockchain Lab
- Cloud computing
Electronics and Telecommunications(EXTC)
- Physics and Chemistry
- Computational Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Calculus and Mixed Algebra
- Fundamentals of Electronics technology
- Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
- Computer Programming
- Engineering Mathematics III
- Electronic Devices & Circuits
- Digital System Design
- Network Theory
- Electronic Instrumentation & Control Systems
- Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab
- Digital System Design lab
- Electronic Instrumentation & Control Systems Lab
- Skill Lab: C++ and Java Programming
- Engineering Mathematics
IV - Microcontrollers
- Linear Integrated Circuits
- Signals & Systems
- Principles of
Engineering - Python
- Engineering Mathematics
Digital Communication
Discrete Time Signal Processing
Digital VLSI
Random Signal Analysis
Department Optional Course-I
- Electromagnetic and Antenna
- Computer Communication Networks
- Image Processing and Machine Vision
- Artificial Neural Network and fuzzy logic
- Linux and Networking and Server Configuration
- Microwave Engineering
- Mobile Communications System
- Mobile Communication
- Optical Communication and
Networks - Optical Communication and
- Optical Communication and
Computer Science Engineering:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics I
- Engineering Mathematics
- Data Structures using C
- Mathematics II
- Engineering Graphics
- Electronic Devices
- Mathematics III
- Fluid Mechanics
- Databases Management Systems
- Digital Systems
- Operating Systems
- Computer Graphics
- Discrete Mathematics
- Management Information System
- Software Engineering
- VHDL Programming
- Computer Architecture
- Java Programming
- Microprocessors
- System Programming
- Advanced Networking
- Microprocessor Lab
- Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced DBMS
- Software Project Management
- Industrial Training
- Digital Image Processing
- Network Operating System
Master Skills with Visual Labs.
Our seasoned instructors bring real-world insights into the classroom, enriching your learning experience with valuable guidance and mentorship. We foster a supportive and collaborative learning environment with a dedicated support team always available to assist with any academic or technical issues, and encourage peer collaboration through group projects and study groups. Flexible learning options, including online and hybrid courses, accommodate your lifestyle, allowing you to study from home or in a traditional classroom setting. Our commitment to your success extends beyond graduation with comprehensive career development services, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. By choosing Visual Labs for your diploma, you are investing in a future filled with opportunities and growth. Let us help you achieve your academic and professional dreams.
How we Guide Degree Students
- Develop personalized learning plans and goals in collaboration with students.
- Provide academic support and guidance on curriculum selection.
- Offer career counseling, resume building, and exploration of job opportunities.
- Assign mentors for individualized advice and support.
- Facilitate hands-on training and soft skills development.
- Monitor progress and provide regular feedback.
- Promote personal development and well-being.
- Continuously improve guidance based on feedback and industry trends.
- Implement project-based learning/training to emphasize practical experience and real-world application, enhancing skill development